3 Things That Are Preventing You From Writing

You’d be surprised by how a few minor tweaks can result in the most significant difference.

Dayana Sabatin
The Good Life
Published in
5 min readSep 3, 2020


Photo by Trent Erwin on Unsplash

I’ve struggled with writing for years.

Growing up, I wanted to be a published author and make movies. I thought I’d be the next Tim Burton — wouldn’t that be something? Or maybe I’d be some sort of prodigy and create a wide variety of films ranging from every genre.

I created short stories, wrote “novels” based on other books, and before you ask — yes, I did write a sequel to Harry Potter with myself as the main character.

Writing was just the best way for me to get my creativity out, I wanted to live a thousand different lives, and this was my way to do it.

As I became older, and jobs came and went, I realized I wanted to pursue writing full time. I wanted to make it not just my hobby and not even my job. I wanted it to be my career. I wanted to eat, sleep, and breathe it.

And get paid for it.

However, I started struggling — a lot.

Every time I sat down at my computer, my mind went blank.

So guess what I did?

I bought a new computer. I thought if I had the best screen possible, the best stand up desk, the best everything — writing would be easier.

Didn’t work — there goes $3000.

I tried another route — books. I’ve always been an avid reader, but maybe — just maybe — if I read more books a month — writing would be easier.

Didn’t work — I’m scared to check my amazon account, but I would bet my life I’ve spent over $1000 on books alone in the last few months.

It was an investment.

I knew I had to do something — but what? I had a new computer; I’d read dozens of books at this point, I was getting so tired and frustrated.

The answer came to me when I was scrolling through Instagram.

Your phone.

According to statistics, adults spend around 5.4 hours a day using phones, while millennials are on their phones 5.7 hours per day.



Dayana Sabatin
The Good Life

I write about wellness, self-improvement, and dating. Published in Business Insider.