3 Ways To Master Productivity

Dayana Sabatin
5 min readJan 14, 2020

Stop wasting your time and check everything off of your to-do list

Do you ever wake up feeling refreshed and genuinely happy then you realize you have only a hundred things you need to get done? Does accomplishing tasks excite you more or bring your mood down? Do you go about your day completing tasks thinking you have all the time in the world so you sit down on a pile of laundry and skim through instagram only to realize it’s almost dinner time and you haven’t even completed half of your to-do list?

I’ve been there

I’ve got to say, completing tasks thinking I have all the time in the world then realizing it’s almost dinner time as I’m on instagram is the one that hits me the most. I like to blame the countless piles of laundry that are never ending, but the truth is, we get lazy, we get distracted easily, and we procrastinate like none other.

Have you ever asked your partner to complete a task for you and all of a sudden they have to go to the bathroom or they absolutely must write an email out for someone or call their parents or whatever other noble excuse pops up and suddenly they’re off doing whatever it is they said they must do and you’re stuck completing the task you asked for them to do? Meanwhile, that pile of laundry remains untouched.



Dayana Sabatin

I write about wellness, self-improvement, and dating. Published in Business Insider.